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10 Best Hotel Central Reservation Systems (CRS)

Tobias Roelen-Blasberg
Tobias Roelen-Blasberg
Co-Founder & Head of Product
Discover the top central reservation systems for hotels, including Net Affinity, Profitroom, and Yanolja, to streamline bookings, manage channels, and boost revenue.
10 Best Hotel Central Reservation Systems (CRS)

In the ever-evolving hospitality industry, a central reservation system has become a pivotal tool for hoteliers aiming to optimize their operations and maximize revenue. This advanced reservation system not only streamlines booking processes but also integrates seamlessly with a hotel’s property management system to ensure real-time inventory and rate updates. By centralizing all reservations, hotels can efficiently manage bookings from multiple sources, including online travel agents and direct channels, leading to more effective revenue management strategies. Whether you're a small boutique hotel or a large chain, leveraging a robust central reservation system is essential for staying competitive and meeting the dynamic demands of today’s travelers.

What is a central reservation system in a hotel?

A central reservation system (CRS) is an essential technology in the hotel industry, serving as the backbone for managing hotel reservations across multiple distribution channels. This reservation system enables hoteliers to centralize and automate the management of hotel room availability, pricing strategies, and booking data in real-time. By integrating with global distribution systems (GDS), online travel agents (OTAs), and direct travel agents, a CRS ensures seamless connectivity across the entire distribution network, helping hotels avoid overbookings and optimize occupancy rates.

The significance of a CRS in hotel management cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts a hotel’s ability to implement effective distribution strategies, maintain rate parity, and ultimately enhance RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room). As the hotel central reservation system market is expected to reach USD 800.84 million by 2032, it’s clear that the adoption of a CRS is increasingly becoming a necessity for hotels aiming to remain competitive and maximize revenue.

What is CRS vs PMS?

A central reservation system (CRS) and a property management system (PMS) are both essential tools in hotel management, but they serve distinct functions. A CRS focuses on centralizing hotel reservations, availability, and pricing across various channels such as OTAs, GDS, and direct bookings. It plays an essential role in distribution strategies by ensuring that room types and rates are consistent and up-to-date across all platforms, reducing the risk of overbookings, and helping revenue managers adjust prices based on demand.

Mews PMS. Source: Mews

On the other hand, a PMS is more concerned with the day-to-day operations within the hotel itself. It manages the front desk, housekeeping, billing, guest check-ins and check-outs, and in-house services. While a CRS connects a hotel with external distribution channels and optimizes hotel bookings, a PMS manages internal operations and guest experiences. Together, these systems provide a comprehensive solution for hoteliers to efficiently manage both external bookings and internal operations.

Learn how to choose the right PMS software to enhance efficiency, guest satisfaction, and revenue in our article Choosing the Best Hotel Property Management Systems: Top PMS Software Compared.

What is CRS vs GDS?

While a central reservation system (CRS) and global distribution systems (GDS) are both integral to a hotel’s distribution strategy, they serve different purposes. A CRS centralizes all hotel reservations and connects with multiple distribution channels, including OTAs and direct bookings, to manage availability, rates, and inventory in real-time. This system ensures that hoteliers can maintain rate parity and optimize occupancy by adjusting pricing strategies as needed.

In contrast, a GDS is a network that connects travel agents with suppliers of travel services, such as airlines, car rentals, and hotels, on a global scale. While GDS plays an essential role in facilitating travel agents’ access to hotel rooms, flights, and car rentals, a CRS is responsible for managing the hotel’s data and distributing it to various channels, including GDS. Essentially, the CRS feeds information into the GDS, allowing travel agents to book rooms for their clients.

Do all hotels need CRS?

Not all hotels may need a central reservation system (CRS), but for those looking to scale operations, maximize revenue, and improve efficiency, a CRS is highly beneficial. Hotels that rely on multiple distribution channels—such as OTAs, GDS, and direct travel agents—can greatly benefit from a CRS as it helps streamline operations, avoid overbookings, and maintain rate parity. Moreover, for revenue managers focused on optimizing RevPAR, a CRSpovides the tools needed to implement dynamic pricing strategies and automate the distribution of availability and rates across all channels. In an increasingly competitive hotel industry, adopting a CRS is not just a convenience but a strategic move to enhance hotel bookings and improve overall profitability.

What are the 4 core functionalities of CRS?

A central reservation system (CRS) is an essential tool in the hospitality industry, designed to streamline and optimize hotel management by centralizing and automating key processes. For hoteliers and revenue managers, understanding the core functionalities of a CRS is essential for developing an effective distribution strategy and maximizing hotel bookings. Here’s a closer look at the four primary functions of a CRS:

Function 1: Centralized reservation management

At the heart of a CRS is its ability to centralize hotel reservations from multiple channels, including OTAs, direct online booking platforms, and third-party providers. By consolidating room types, availability, and bookinginformation into one centralized system, hoteliers can efficiently manage and adjust reservations, including group bookings.

This centralized approach not only reduces the risk of overbookings but also ensures that availability is consistently updated across all channels. As a result, revenue managers can develop more effective distribution strategies that are based on accurate, real-time data.

Function 2: Real-time inventory and rate management

One of the most essential functions of a CRS is the ability to provide real-time updates for inventory and rates. In the fast-paced hospitality industry, where occupancy levels and demand can fluctuate rapidly, it’s vital that hoteliers automate the management of room types and pricing.

A CRS allows hotels to automate pricing adjustments based on demand, competition, and market trends, ensuring that room availability and rates are always optimized across all channels. This automation not only maximizes revenue but also minimizes the manual effort required to keep rates and availability up-to-date.

Learn about dynamic, cost-based, and occupancy-based pricing methods, and how to calculate room rates effectively in our article Best Hotel Pricing Strategies to Maximize Margins & Revenues.

Function 3: Data synchronization

Data synchronization is another core functionality of a central reservation system. A CRS ensures that all booking data, rates, and inventory are synchronized across all distribution channels, including PMS, channel managers, OTAs, and direct booking platforms.

This synchronization is essential for maintaining consistency and accuracy, as it ensures that the same hotel booking information is available to all potential guests, regardless of where they make reservations. By eliminating discrepancies and ensuring that all channels are aligned, a CRS helps hoteliers avoid overbookings and maintain occupancy levels that align with their distribution strategy.

Discover essential hospitality tech systems for modern hotels in our article The Hospitality Tech Stack - An Overview of the Systems Hotels Really Need

Function 4: Reporting and analytics

Finally, a CRS offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities that provide hoteliers and revenue managers with valuable insights into their operations. By collecting and analyzing data from various booking channels, a CRS enables hotels to make informed decisions about pricing, availability, and distribution strategies.

The ability to generate detailed reports on booking trends, occupancy rates, and revenue performance allows hotels to adjust their strategies in real time, ultimately leading to better decision-making and improved profitability. This data-driven approach ensures that hoteliers are always equipped with the information they need to succeed in a competitive hospitality market.


What are the 10 best hotel central reservation systems?

Choosing the right central reservation system (CRS) is essential for hoteliers aiming to optimize hotel management, increase revenue, and streamline hotel bookings across multiple channels. The following list highlights the top 10 CRS solutions, each selected based on their ability to synchronize with PMS systems, support online bookings, and offer automation features that cater to the unique needs of the hospitality industry.

1. Net Affinity

Net Affinity excels in revenue management by offering advanced upselling features that drive increased hotel bookings. The system's user-friendly interface and seamless integration with PMS and channel managers make it a standout solution. A case study from Net Affinity showcases an impressive 88% increase in direct bookings, making it a top choice for hoteliers looking to boost revenue through intelligent upselling.

Hotel reservations management through Net Affinity. Source: Net Affinity

2. Profitroom

Profitroom is renowned for its powerful promotional tools and extensive customization options, which are particularly effective for capturing more hotel reservations. With the majority (63%) of its users being small businesses, Profitroom is a flexible solution that can cater to various room types and channels. Case studies reveal that its promotional strategies have significantly increased bookings, making it a favorite among hoteliers focused on tailored data-based solutions.

Profitroom hotel reservations dashboard. Source: Profitroom

3. Yanolja

Yanolja stands out for its robust multi-property management capabilities, making it ideal for hoteliers overseeing multiple locations. The system’s scalability and flexibility are highly praised by users, particularly in the hospitality sector, with over 1,000,000 affiliated properties. Yanolja's ability to efficiently synchronize data across properties ensures smooth hotel management and optimized room availability.

Yanolja OTA ready hotel reservations management.

4. SHR Group

SHR Group specializes in revenue optimization through smart upselling features that are designed to maximize hotel bookings and occupancy. The system’s success stories, with 2,000 hotel customers, highlight its effectiveness in driving revenue and enhancing guest experiences. Hoteliers can leverage SHR Group’s tools to automate and adjust their distribution strategy based on real-time data.

SHR Group offers numerous modern hotel solutions such as hotel reservation systems and channel managers. Source: SHR Group

5. Bookassist

Bookassist is a leading CRS that focuses on dynamic pricing strategies and revenue management tools. Its advanced analytics and reporting features provide hoteliers with valuable insights into hotel reservations and booking trends. Bookassist has demonstrated its ability to boost online bookings by 60%, making it an essential tool for hotels looking to optimize pricing and enhance revenue.

Bookassist's seamless hotel reservations management.

6. Neobookings

Neobookings excels in real-time booking management and offers extensive customization options that cater to the specific needs of hoteliers. With a 4.9 rating on Hotel Tech Report, Neobookings is praised for its customer support and ease of use. Its ability to synchronize room types and availability across channels ensures that hotels can maintain occupancy and maximize revenue through dynamic pricing.

Neobookings dashboard.

Caption: Neobookings dashboard.

7. ThinkReservations

ThinkReservations is designed to provide seamless website integration and enhance the guest booking experience. The system’s user-friendly interface and integration capabilities have a positive impact on guest satisfaction and booking conversion rates. With over 1,800 hotels across 48 states using ThinkReservations, it is a trusted choice for hoteliers looking to improve online booking experiences.

Mobile-ready CRS.

8. SiteMinder

SiteMinder is a global leader in channel management, offering extensive reach across 44,500 hoteliers in 150 countries. The system’s ability to manage multiple channels effortlessly ensures that hoteliers can maximize their hotel bookings and maintain occupancy. Success stories and customer reviews highlight SiteMinder’s effectiveness in optimizing distribution strategies.

SiteMinder preview.

9. Cloudbeds

Cloudbeds is a CRS that excels in offering multilingual booking options, making it an ideal solution for hoteliers looking to attract global travelers. The system’s integration capabilities and user experience are designed to accommodate a diverse range of languages and cultures. With 20,000 customers using Cloudbeds, it is a reliable choice for hotels aiming to expand their reach in the global hospitality market.

Cloudbeds PMS and CRS solutions for hoteliers. Source: Cloudbeds

10. innRoad

innRoad is a CRS that specializes in multi-property management, offering features that enhance operational efficiency and scalability. Hoteliers using innRoad have reported a 20% increase in direct bookings, demonstrating the system’s effectiveness in managing hotel reservations across multiple locations. Its ability to synchronize data and automate processes ensures smooth hotel management and improved occupancy.

Hotel reservations managed by innRoad. Source: Hotel Tech Report

Other CRS for the hospitality business include Synxis, Sabre, Cendyn, Amadeus, and Mews. Selecting the right CRS is vital for hoteliers aiming to optimize hotel management, improve hotel bookings, and maximize revenue. Each of these systems offers unique features and capabilities that cater to the specific needs of the hospitality industry, making them the top choices for hotels looking to succeed in a competitive market.

What types of bookings can a CRS process?

A central reservation system (CRS) is a versatile tool that hoteliers rely on to manage a wide range of hotel reservations efficiently. By integrating with PMS and channel managers, a CRS seamlessly handles various types of bookings, ensuring a smooth operation across all channels, including direct bookings, OTAs, and third-party platforms. Here's a closer look at the types of bookings a CRS can process:

1. Individual and group bookings

A CRS is adept at managing both individual and group bookings, providing hoteliers with the flexibility to cater to diverse guest needs. While travelers still tend to make reservations individually, group bookings now have become increasingly valuable, with a notable 9% increase in the average daily rate (ADR). The CRS facilitates the management of room blocks, special rates, and unique requirements for groups, ensuring a streamlined process from start to finish.

2. Corporate and leisure bookings

The CRS plays a vital role in handling corporate and leisure bookings, which are vital segments in the hospitality industry. With business travel seeing a 4.4% increase in September 2023 over the previous year, it's essential for hoteliersto efficiently manage these bookings. The CRS integrates with PMS and channel managers to ensure that corporate rates, loyalty programs, and leisure packages are applied correctly, optimizing revenue and guest satisfaction.

3. Online and offline reservations

In today's digital age, a significant portion of hotel reservations are made online, with 53% of bookings now conducted through digital channels, signifying that travelers now tend to make reservations online. A CRS is essential for synchronizing online and offline bookings, ensuring that availability and rates are consistent across all channels. Whether guests make reservations directly through the hotel’s website, via OTAs, or through third-party agencies, the CRS ensures a unified booking experience, reducing the risk of overbookings and enhancing operational efficiency.

By processing a wide range of bookings, a CRS not only improves hotel management but also helps hoteliers optimize their distribution strategy, ensuring that room types and rates are accurately reflected across all channels. This comprehensive capability is what makes a CRS an indispensable tool in the modern hospitality industry.

What are the benefits of the reservation system in the hospitality industry?

In modern hospitality operations, CRS offers numerous benefits that enhance efficiency, guest experience, and overall profitability. By integrating with key systems such as PMS (Property Management Systems) and channel managers, a CRS provides hoteliers with powerful tools to optimize their business. Below are some of the essential benefits of using a CRS in the hospitality industry.

1. Increased efficiency in hotel reservation management

A CRS significantly increases operational efficiency by streamlining hotel reservations across multiple channels. Systems like Synxis and Amadeus automate many of the traditionally manual tasks associated with booking management, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up staff to focus on more strategic activities. For example, when a guest makes a reservation through an OTA or directly via the hotel’s website, the CRS automatically updates availability and rates in real-time across all channels. This seamless integration with PMS and channel managers ensures that all bookings are synchronized, which minimizes the risk of overbookings and enhances operational efficiency.

2. Enhanced guest experience

Even before they make reservations, travelers already expect a seamless guest experience. By integrating with platforms like Cendyn and Mews, a CRS allows hoteliers to capture detailed guest preferences and booking history. This data enables hoteliers to tailor offerings to individual guests, from personalized room settings to customized promotions. For instance, when a guest makes a reservation, the CRS can trigger automated, personalized pre-arrival communications and post-stay surveys, enhancing the overall guest journey. By ensuring that guest preferences are honored across all channels, the CRS contributes to higher guest satisfaction and loyalty.

Go beyond hotel reservation management and Explore strategies and technologies to improve hotel guest experiences in our article Enhancing Guest Experience in the Competitive Hospitality Industry - A Quick Guide.

3. Improved revenue management

Optimizing revenue management is one of the most significant advantages of a CRS. With integrated tools from providers like Sabre and Amadeus, a CRS allows hoteliers to implement dynamic pricing strategies that respond to market demand in real-time. This capability ensures that room rates are always optimized to maximize revenue. For example, by analyzing data on hotel reservations, the CRS can automatically adjust rates during periods of high demand, such as during events or holidays. Additionally, the CRS helps revenue managers monitor and manage rate parity across all channels, ensuring that pricing is consistent and competitive, which is vital for maximizing RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room).

Discover the top 7 revenue management solutions for hotels enhancing profitability in our article 7 Best Hotel Revenue Management Systems: An In-Depth Comparison.


4. Centralized data management

Having all reservation data centralized in one system is a significant advantage for hoteliers. A CRS consolidates data from various channels—including PMS, channel managers, and third-party systems like Synxis and Mews—into a single, unified platform. This centralization facilitates better decision-making by providing hoteliers with comprehensive insights into booking patterns, guest preferences, and channel performance. For instance, by analyzing this data, hoteliers can identify the most profitable channels and adjust their distribution strategy accordingly. Additionally, centralized data management simplifies reporting and analytics, making it easier for hospitality businesses to forecast demand, plan inventory, and develop targeted marketing campaigns.

A well-implemented CRS is essential for hospitality businesses looking to enhance efficiency, improve the guest experience, optimize revenue management, and benefit from centralized data insights. Systems like Synxis, Sabre, and Amadeus are essential tools in the arsenal of modern hoteliers, ensuring that they remain competitive in an increasingly complex and dynamic industry.

Boost your bookings with a strong online reputation through MARA

Whether you're using OTAs or channel managers as your CRS, managing hotel reservations goes beyond recording bookings. In the modern hotel industry, post-stay services such as responding to online reviews have become an essential sales strategy for businesses.

Responding to online reviews can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be with our AI Review Assistant of MARA. This intuitive tool is designed to ease your Online Reputation Management process, making it more efficient, personalized, and time-saving. It offers the best and most personalized AI for responding to and analyzing your guest reviews.

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One of the key features of this tool is the Review Inbox. Your review inbox makes responding to reviews as simple as hitting "Generate reply" and clicking "Send". The Review Inbox connects to multiple review sources, including Google,, and Tripadvisor, giving you a panoramic view of all your reviews. And you can even configure review response automation: Why not allow MARA to automatically respond to simple reviews, like 5-star Google reviews with no text, ensuring you never miss a review? Daily notifications about new reviews keep you updated and in control.

MARA Review Inbox

Advanced Review Analytics

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MARA Review Analytics

The most personal response AI

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This review response assistant has quickly become a game-changer for over 2000 customers. Its promising capacity to elevate your overall rating, amplify response rates, glean insights from customer feedback, and economize both time and money, is the reason behind its growing popularity.

Managing online reviews need not be an overwhelming task. With the appropriate software, not only can you streamline the process, but you can also personalize your responses, and derive valuable insights from the reviews. So, why hesitate to give our AI Review Assistant, MARA, a try? It's completely free for testing, doesn't require a credit card, and can be fully operational in less than five minutes.

Final Thought

Leveraging a central reservation system in the hospitality industry allows hoteliers to efficiently manage hotel reservations across multiple channels, including OTAs. With integration through a channel manager, hotels can optimize their booking strategies and ensure a seamless reservation experience.

This post is part of our hero content series on ”The Future of Hotel Technology: Must-Have Tools and Solutions for Modern Hotels”.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What are examples of central reservation systems?

Popular examples of central reservation systems (CRS) include Net Affinity, known for driving more revenuethrough intelligent upselling by integrating with OTAs and managing hotel reservations efficiently across various channels. Profitroom excels at capturing more bookings with tailored promotions, offering robust channel management features. Yanolja is ideal for managing multi-property bookings effortlessly, providing seamless synchronization across channels and OTAs. SHR Group stands out with its smart upselling capabilities and revenue optimization tools, ensuring smooth hotel reservation management. Bookassist is highly regarded for its optimized pricing strategies, helping hoteliers boost their revenue while maintaining effective control over all booking channels.

What is a reservation system and how does it work?

A reservation system is a software platform that allows hotels to manage hotel reservations across various channels, including OTAs and direct bookings. It works by synchronizing room availability, rates, and booking information in real-time. When a guest makes a reservation through an OTA or the hotel's website, the reservation system automatically updates all connected channels to reflect the new booking, preventing overbookings. Integration with a channel managerfurther streamlines this process, ensuring that all channels are consistently synchronized, leading to efficient hotel management and maximized revenue potential.

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