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What are Hotel Occupancy Rates and How to Calculate Them

Tobias Roelen-Blasberg
Tobias Roelen-Blasberg
Co-Founder & Head of Product
Learn about hotel occupancy rates in 2024, including key metrics, calculation methods, and strategies to optimize ADR and boost revenue. Discover essential tips for effective revenue management and enhancing guest experience.
What are Hotel Occupancy Rates and How to Calculate Them

In the hotel industry, the occupancy rate is a key performance indicator (KPI) that reflects demand and operational efficiency. Understanding and optimizing this metric, alongside others like Average Daily Rate (ADR) and vacancy rate, is essential for maximizing hotel revenue. By accurately calculating occupancy, hoteliers can make informed decisions that drive revenue management strategies and enhance overall profitability.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of occupancy rates, how they are calculated, and the factors that impact them. We'll also provide actionable strategies to boost occupancy, improve guest experiences, and align performance metrics with business goals for sustainable success.

What is hotel occupancy rate and why it matters in 2024?

The hotel occupancy rate in 2024 remains a fundamental metric in the hotel industry, reflecting the percentage of available rooms that are occupied over a specific period. This key performance indicator (KPI) helps hoteliers assess revenue potential and gauge operational efficiency. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of occupied rooms by the total rooms available, and it offers crucial insights into market demand, overall income, and potential growth.

According to research, recent trends show fluctuations in occupancy rates driven by factors such as shifting travel patterns, economic changes, and the rise of alternative rental properties. As global travel continues to recover, average daily rates (ADR) and occupancy rates are stabilizing, but challenges like inflation and increased competition still impact revenue management. Hoteliers must balance occupancy with the vacancy rate to maximize profit, ensuring that pricing strategies, such as adjusting daily rates and analyzing the rate formula, align with market conditions and business objectives.

Big brands in the hospitality industry and small-scale rental properties should consider getting Hotel Revenue Management Systems as an investment.

How do you calculate a hotel occupancy rate?

To calculate a hotel occupancy rate, you use a straightforward rate formula that provides valuable insights into a hotel’s performance. The occupancy rate reflects the percentage of rooms that are occupied during a specific period. This key performance indicator (KPI) plays a crucial role in revenue management by helping hoteliers assess demand, adjust pricing, and optimize profit.

The occupancy rate formula is as follows:

Occupancy Rate = (Number of Occupied Rooms ÷ Total Number of Rooms) × 100

For example, if a hotel has 50 rooms in total, and 15 of those rooms are occupied, you can calculate the occupancy rate as:

(15 ÷ 50) × 100 = 30%

This means that 30% of the hotel’s rooms were booked for that period, leaving a 70% vacancy rate. Understanding this metric is essential for optimizing ADR (Average Daily Rate) and revenue management strategies. By calculating both occupancy and vacancy rates, hoteliers can balance high demand with vacant rooms and fine-tune their daily rates to maximize income and long-term profit.

calculating hotel occupancy rate
Calculate vacancy rates and adjust rent prices to ensure high occupancy and maximize revenue for each apartment unit. Source: Hotel Price Reporter

How do hotels determine occupancy?

Hotels determine their occupancy by analyzing the number of occupied rooms in relation to their total available rooms. This occupancy rate is a crucial metric in the hotel industry, as it directly impacts a hotel's revenue and overall performance. Occupancy is just one of several key performance indicators (KPIs) used in revenue management, alongside metrics like GOPPAR (Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room), which accounts for operating costs and total income. Together, these metrics offer a comprehensive view of hotel performance, enabling hoteliers to make informed decisions that maximize both rental income and guest satisfaction.

What does 30% occupancy mean?

A 30% occupancy rate signifies that 30% of a hotel's rooms are occupied, while the remaining 70% are vacant. This relatively low percentage may indicate weak performance, especially when compared to industry averages. In high-demand periods, hotels aim for occupancy rates above 70% to generate substantial revenue and maintain profitability. A 30% occupancy can mean the hotel is experiencing a downturn in business, perhaps due to market conditions, seasonality, or insufficient marketing strategies.

From a revenue management perspective, low occupancy often leads to adjustments in ADR or discounts to attract more tenants or guests. In the context of a rental property like an apartment or rental unit, 30% occupancy would be concerning, as vacancy rates that high limit potential rental income and impact overall profit. In hospitality, managing these fluctuations and driving occupancy is essential to keeping the property profitable.

What is the maximum occupancy in a hotel room?

The maximum occupancy in a hotel room is determined by several factors, including the room's size, local safety regulations, and the amenities offered. Typically, standard hotel rooms accommodate two to four guests, though larger suites or specialty rooms may host more. The goal for hotels is to balance room capacity with guest comfort and compliance with legal standards. Real estate investors and property managers in the hospitality sector must also consider the legal limits on room occupancy when planning their investment strategies, as overloading rooms can lead to penalties and damage the guest experience.

amenities to boost hotel occupancy rate
Maximize your rental property income by optimizing occupancy rates per unit, and balancing average rent and amenities. Gordon James Real Estate Services

In some cases, hotels will allow additional guests for an extra fee, but exceeding the intended maximum occupancy can strain resources, reduce service quality, and even cause safety issues. As part of revenue management, hotels must optimize room usage without sacrificing the overall experience, ensuring that they can maintain a high ADR (average daily rate) without compromising on guest satisfaction.

Is a higher occupancy rate always good?

While a high occupancy rate may seem ideal, it’s not always a positive indicator of hotel success. Hotels that push for 100% occupancy often resort to heavy discounts or reduced rent prices, which can erode profitability. A full hotel does not necessarily mean high revenue if rates are too low. This is where GOPPAR (Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room) becomes a critical metric in addition to occupancy. A higher occupancy rate paired with lower daily rates may generate more bookings but not maximize revenue.

Another risk of consistently high occupancy is the potential strain on resources, which can affect service quality. Overbooking or having more tenants or guests than the property can comfortably handle may result in poor guest experiences, negative reviews, and long-term damage to the hotel's reputation. Balancing occupancy with ADR and maintaining an excellent guest experience is key to sustainable profitability.

What is a good occupancy for hotels?

A good occupancy rate for hotels typically hovers around 70-80%, depending on market conditions, hotel size, and location. This benchmark allows hotels to generate healthy rental income while keeping room rates competitive. In high-demand locations, such as major tourist destinations, higher occupancy rates are expected. For properties in less populated areas, the average may be slightly lower, but profitability can still be maintained through smart revenue management strategies.

property management systems
Understanding the average occupancy rate is crucial for effective property management and tenant satisfaction.

The key is not just in hitting a high occupancy rate but doing so in maintaining a favorable ADR. For instance, a hotel might have an occupancy rate of 85%, but if it achieved this through significantly dropping daily rates, the overall revenue and profit might not meet expectations. As a result, property management must focus on both occupancy and the income generated per room to ensure they strike the right balance between filling rooms and maximizing rental property potential.

Learn how to choose the right PMS software to reduce your vacancy rate in this blog: Choosing the Best Hotel Property Management Systems: Top PMS Software Compared


What are the reasons for low occupancy in hotels?

Low occupancy in hotels can be caused by several factors that impact performance and profitability. Understanding these causes helps hoteliers address challenges and improve room bookings effectively.

a. Seasonality

Off-peak seasons often lead to low demand, especially in tourist destinations. Adjusting pricing strategies and offering promotions can help attract guests during these slow periods.

b. Increased competition

With the rise of vacation rentals and new hotels, increased competition can lower occupancy rates. Differentiating through unique amenities and effective revenue management is crucial.

c. Economic downturns

During recessions, reduced consumer spending can lead to higher vacancy rates. Offering value-added services or adjusting rent prices can help hotels and real estate investors stay profitable.

checking in hotels
Strategic management of average rent and amenities per unit can significantly boost your rental property’s occupancy rate.

d. Ineffective marketing strategies

Poorly targeted marketing efforts can leave rooms vacant. Optimizing campaigns, utilizing digital platforms, and promoting key amenities can boost bookings.

Want to learn more about hotel marketing to help with your vacancy rates? Read our article The Complete Guide to Hotel Marketing: Strategies, Tools, and Best Practices

e. Negative online reputation leads to high vacancy rate

Poor reviews or lack of visibility on review platforms can severely impact occupancy. Effective reputation management, including responding to guest feedback, is essential for maintaining a positive image.

Learn how to mitigate the average effects of a negative online reputation with our article Negative Review Response Examples: Don't Let Bad Reviews Ruin Your Business

How to increase occupancy rates in hotels?

To boost hotel occupancy rates, it's essential to employ a multifaceted approach that includes enhancing your online reputation, adjusting marketing strategies, offering valuable promotions, retaining loyal guests, and collaborating with revenue managers.

a. Enhance your online reputation management

Improve your online presence by actively managing reviews and engaging with guests on social media. Positive reviews and a strong online presence can significantly attract more guests and boost occupancy rates.

Explore the importance of online reputation management for hotels in our comprehensive guide.

b. Adjust your marketing during low-demand periods

Implement targeted marketing campaigns to increase visibility during off-peak times. Utilize discounts, promotions, and seasonal offers to draw attention and drive bookings when demand is lower.

One of the most effective ways to lower the vacancy rates of your rental property is by optimizing your pricing strategies per season. To learn more about this, click here.

booking competitive pricing
Enhance your property’s appeal by offering desirable amenities and competitive rent to attract more tenants.

c. Increase value with special offers and packages

Create enticing promotions and bundled packages that offer added value. Special deals can attract more guests, enhance their experience, and encourage higher occupancy rates.

Learn how loyalty rewards programs can boost your monthly sales.

d. Focus on retaining repeat guests

Develop loyalty programs and offer personalized services to build strong relationships with returning guests. Repeat guests provide stable revenue and help maintain higher occupancy levels.

e. Collaborate with a revenue manager

Partner with a revenue manager to optimize your pricing strategies and inventory management. Effective revenue management can balance room rates with occupancy, maximizing both profit and guest satisfaction.

What tools can help you measure and optimize occupancy?

Effective tools for measuring and optimizing hotel occupancy include occupancy rate calculators for tracking performance and Online Reputation Management (ORM) tools for improving guest satisfaction and boosting bookings.

a. How does an occupancy rate calculator work?

Occupancy rate calculators are vital tools for hotels to assess their performance and optimize their strategies. These calculators determine the percentage of occupied units compared to the total available units. By applying the occupancy rate formula—dividing the number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms and multiplying by 100—hotels can precisely calculate their occupancy rate.

This data-driven approach allows hotels to monitor their vacancy rates, adjust pricing, and improve their revenue management strategies. For rental properties, this calculation helps real estate investors and property managers assess monthly performance and make informed decisions about rent adjustments and property improvements.

b. How does the ORM tool boost occupancy rate?

Managing online reviews is crucial for maintaining a strong hotel reputation and boosting occupancy rates. Our AI Review Assistant, MARA, simplifies this process by offering a streamlined and effective solution for Online Reputation Management. This intuitive tool enhances efficiency and personalization, enabling you to respond to and analyze guest reviews with ease. By leveraging MARA's advanced AI capabilities, you can manage your online presence more effectively, positively influencing your hotel’s occupancy rate and overall guest satisfaction.

Streamlined Review Inbox

One of the key features of this tool is the Review Inbox. Your review inbox makes responding to reviews as simple as hitting "Generate reply" and clicking "Send". The Review Inbox connects to multiple review sources, including Google,, and Tripadvisor, giving you a panoramic view of all your reviews. And you can even configure review response automation: Why not allow MARA to automatically respond to simple reviews, like 5-star Google reviews with no text, ensuring you never miss a review? Daily notifications about new reviews keep you updated and in control.

MARA Review Inbox
MARA Review Inbox

Advanced Review Analytics

To help you understand and analyze the multitude of reviews, the Review Assistant also incorporates Review Analytics. This provides actionable, easy-to-understand insights that are tailored exclusively to your business. With MARA, you can quickly get the gist of all your reviews without needing to read each one. The analysis is so detailed that you can find out about specific issues like "water in the pool is too cold" or "lack of vegan breakfast option”. These insights help optimize guest experience without requiring you to be a data expert.

MARA Review Analytics
MARA Review Analytics

The most personal response AI

MARA's AI isn't just about efficiency; it's about personalization too. The Brand Voice feature allows the AI to adapt to your tone, making sure your responses sound authentically you. Plus, with Smart Snippets, you can "teach" the AI how to respond to recurring praises or complaints. Your AI then incorporates this information into its responses, but always with different words, providing more personalized, relevant replies.

This review response assistant has quickly become a game-changer for over 2000 customers. Its promising capacity to elevate your overall rating, amplify response rates, glean insights from customer feedback, and economize both time and money, is the reason behind its growing popularity.

Managing online reviews need not be an overwhelming task. With the appropriate software, not only can you streamline the process, but you can also personalize your responses, and derive valuable insights from the reviews. So, why hesitate to give our AI Review Assistant, MARA, a try? It's completely free for testing, doesn't require a credit card, and can be fully operational in less than five minutes.

Final Thought

Understanding and optimizing hotel occupancy rates are crucial for maximizing profitability in the hospitality industry. By accurately calculating your occupancy rate and addressing factors such as vacancy rates, you can make informed decisions to enhance your property’s performance. Strategies like improving amenities, adjusting marketing during low-demand periods, and leveraging tools like online reputation management can significantly boost your occupancy rate. For real estate investors and property managers, maintaining a balance between high occupancy and profitability is essential. Implementing these strategies ensures your rental units remain attractive to tenants and competitive in the rental market, ultimately contributing to a successful investment and sustained income.

This post is part of our hero content series on "The Complete Hotel Management Guide: From Operations to Guest Experience


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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the occupancy of a hotel room?

Occupancy refers to the percentage of rented units compared to the total available rooms in a hotel property. It indicates how many rooms are occupied by tenants per rental period.

Why is occupancy important to a hotel?

Occupancy is crucial as it directly impacts revenue and profitability. High occupancy rates reduce vacancy rates, optimize the use of property, and enhance the financial performance of the hotel.

How do you explain hotel occupancy?

Hotel occupancy measures the percentage of rooms occupied compared to the total number of available rooms in a hotel property. It helps gauge the property's performance and attractiveness in the rental market.

What is occupancy in the hotel guest cycle?

Occupancy in the hotel guest cycle refers to the proportion of rooms occupied at any given time. It reflects the effectiveness of property management, pricing, and marketing strategies throughout the guest’s stay.

What is the occupancy level of a hotel?

The occupancy level of a hotel is the percentage of rooms filled compared to the total number of rooms available. It is a key metric used to evaluate the hotel’s performance in the hospitality industry.

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